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Subcategory: Exploration

Road to Riches - by cmdr VicTic
Summary: Road to Riches is a web app that can give you a route with high value scanning targets to get you lost of credits and exploration rank fast. This guide will list the 400/700 route from LFT 37, as per recommendation from cmdr NeilKD.
Author: test. Created 2017-11-17 21:13:59. Edited 2017-11-17 21:34:39

Exploration - Zero to Hero in under 5 days - by cmdr Inyahin
Summary: Zero to Hero is the original guide to achieving Exploration elite rank while earning lots of credits, very fast - by our very own cmdr Inyahin.
Author: test. Created 2017-11-17 20:40:30. Edited 2017-11-17 21:17:00

Nordic's Quick Guide to Exploration
Summary: Heading out in the black for the first time? Read this quick guide of what to see where and how to get there.
Author: NordicLion. Created 2017-06-24 18:18:45. Edited 2017-09-18 17:04:32