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FAOFF - First steps

A guide by M. Grey
Created 2017-09-18 12:19:19. Last edited 2017-10-16 06:19:30

Keywords: Advanced flying

Summary: You don't trust your flight computer? This is about how to regain control!

- Get familiar with the "technique/mechanic" behind it. FAON counters your vector right away as soon as you stop doing something.
- FAOFF keeps your vector, you have to do it manually. Get used to "glide" and use the vector.
- Watch the space dust, it shows your vector! To counter it apply thrusters in the SAME direction the dust goes. The background stars are a good reference point too. if they move, you move too.
- Start with docking/undocking. Turn FAON if you lose control.
- Use thrusters (all directions) often to correct. if just gliding put throttle to ZERO. Using it in many short bursts seems to work better for me.
- When docking on outposts: Boost to 5 km, then slow down try to land...if you got it, boost to 4 km...3km is very, very close! - start in combat with easy targets.

Good tutorials:
(^^Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIQVVKXGd78AiYjhGUNZL9dFm23hYgc8R )

A FAOFF landing on an Outpost by the author tongue-out