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Travelling in Wings

A guide by Inyahin
Created 2017-10-14 10:55:41. Last edited 2017-10-14 11:21:53

Keywords: Basic flying Wings

Summary: This guide talks you through how to travel in a wing as efficiently as possible.

Although there is a system in place to navlock a wingman, this is only useful to drop into low wakes.
Although you can scan your wingman's highwake, this takes time and means you're at minimum 10 seconds behind them.
There is a faster method to travel together in a wing.

Key Bindings

The following keybindings are required to make this work (that they are set up is what's important, not what they are bound to) Know what your keybindings are!

Key Bindings

Step 1. The commander with the lowest jump range plots the route to the destination
Step 1.a This can be faked by a commander with a lot of cargo space being able to restrict their jump distance with the nav computer

Add Tonne(s) of virtual cargo to limit jump range - this may not be enough so revert to Step 1.

Step 2. Leading commander uses the keybinding "Target Next System In Route" to lock on to the next system
Step 3. Other commanders in the wing use Select Wingman X, Select Wingman's Target to lock on to the same system
Step 4. Once all commanders in the wing have targetted the Leader's system Leader presses high wake, but throttles down letting FSD charge
Step 5. Everyone in the wing presses High Wake to follow the leader - full throttle to high wake out
Step 6. Once everyone has high waked, leader goes to full throttle to engage frame shift and high wake out - no one gets left behind.
Step 7. Every one fuel scoops to replenish fuel
Step 8. Continue from Step 2 until the destination is completed.